lunes, 4 de junio de 2012

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The author spend his childhood in a little town next to the river Mississpippi, and he left school when he was 12 years old. He was typographer, a steamboat pilot, and a gold digger, before becoming the most famous American writer of his time. He's name is MARK TWAIN.

In the spring of 1835 in a modest house in a little town next to the river Salt, in the state of Missouri, a little boy was born. His parents, John and Jane Clemens, called his Samuel; it was their fifth child. The Clemens family had emigrated from the state of Tennessee hoping to start a new life in the West. Like many other thousands of Americans at that time, they had travelled to the "frontier", on the border of "civilised" Amercia, and they had entered the great unknow territories.

All those pioneers dreamt of colonizing the plains, the mountains and thw woods of the West, where the Indians still lived in freedom.

This literary comic it's very funny, but it's so long. There are a lot of exercices of vocabulary. I'll like this literary comic.

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